Insights into Action Here are some key insights from our market survey and actions institutions and advisors can take to better attract, retain and grow women investors. "Women aren’t necessarily looking for measures of success that are all numbers-based. Achieving an outcome in their lives may be more relevant than outperforming the S&P 500." – Focus group participant Attract Women Investors Insights Women are trying to juggle their efforts to build future wealth with their desire to live a better life right now. 17% cite retirement as their top financial goal, with the vast majority seeking opportunities to optimize their money today to meet current goals. Importantly, women say they want to entrust their money to institutions that share their values, are honest (70%) and transparent (34%). 32% want to work with advisors who make an effort to understand the realities of their lives. Action Institutions and advisors looking to attract women investors should use jargon-free messaging, they should speak directly to women’s concerns and goals, and they should make themselves available at times and places that suit women’s lifestyles. Retain Women Investors Insights 84% of women see investing as a powerful tool for creating life choices and 92% say they’re responsible for taking control of that investing. But, this is just one of many responsibilities women own, so it’s no wonder 49% describe themselves as more time-poor than money-poor. This explains why 78% of women say they would be more interested in talking to a financial advisor who focused on improving the quality of their life versus just beating the market. Action To keep women as satisfied clients, advisors need to adapt their service model to better address their needs. Examples include hosting women-only events, streamlining updates and customizing performance analyses to include lifestyle scenarios. 71% say they would switch advisors for someone who can make investing easier. Grow Your Female Client Base Insights Women control more than half, or $14 trillion of personal wealth in the U.S. and by 2020, they’re expected to control $22 trillion of U.S. personal wealth and 32% of global wealth ($72 trillion). When defining investment performance, women rely on personal standards over industry benchmarks. 61% say that generating a steady income is a priority, while 41% say it is seeing their portfolio progress toward lifestyle goals, including health, wellness and travel. Action To be the partner-of-choice for this increasingly wealthy portion of the population, institutions and advisors will need to demonstrate their ability to help women use investing to empower their lifestyle. This will require revising how advisors consult and advise investors and prioritizing women’s needs by creating new product offerings and targeted marketing strategies. 70% say they want to invest their money in a way that reflects their personal values. Women, Investing & the Pursuit of Wealth-Life Balance View our full research findings. Download Report Sign Up for the Newest Releases and Updates on Women & Investing Subscribe Now More About PIMCO Women's Expanding Economic Power Women are transforming the global economy. Is investment management keeping pace? Women & Investing at PIMCO Advocating for gender equality in workplace, our industry and the communities where we live and work. Read More Purpose at PIMCO At PIMCO, we understand both the opportunity and obligation to effect meaningful social change. Learn More